Welcome to KanyaTech: Your All-in-One Solution
Decided to take the plunge and start a new business, but not sure where to begin? The team at Kanya Tech is here to provide you with everything you need to succeed!
Kanya Technologies specialises in helping entrepreneurs, new businesses, and start ups… well, start up! With years of experience in company formation and business management, our team of experts provide efficient and cost-effective digital support to ensure your business starts (and runs) smoothly.
We understand that the prospect of running your own business can be daunting; between formation filing, paperwork, and actually growing your business, you might feel like you’re swamped from morning to night. Fear not, we’re here to help! To better assist our new business and startup clients, we’ve created an all-in-one start up pack taking you. This package of essential services includes:
- Company Registration (Including shareholding)
- Banking Assistance
- Website development
- Social Media Management
- Email Configuration (Gmail & Microsoft Office)
- Basic Book Keeping
- Accountancy Software
- VAT Returns
- End of Year Accounts.
- Confirmation Statements
- Call Answering Service
These services are available all together, individually, or in custom groupings depending on your needs. We’ve spent years dealing with the ups and downs of business management and formation, and over time we’ve learned the most efficient, most cost-effective methods to go about it. Take a no-obligation consultation with one of our team members, and find the right package for your business today!
Established Businesses
While our main focus is on new companies, KanyaTech also offers services to existing companies! Whether you’re looking to outsource some of your accounts and book keeping or finally establishing your business’s online presence, Kanya Technologies can offer the support you need to grow your business. Get in touch with us today, and one of our experienced staff will be on hand to help you find your ideal support package.